Wednesday Youth Group
Youth group for those in middle and high school meets weekly for fellowship and study. Check back for updates to the schedule or contact the church office for more information.
Youth Coast to Coast
Youth and their families are invited to join us for our annual trip from Ponce Inlet to Clearwater Beach, with a themed Scripture study along the way. For those who don’t want to make the initial trip to the east coast and wake up with the sunrise, the chartered bus trip across the state will depart from Saint Andrew’s at 10:30 am. The cost for this event is $20/person with a family maximum of $80.
Christmas Tree Bonfire
Youth and their families and friends are invited to the Fittro’s home in Umatilla for an evening of fellowship. Pulled pork and drinks will be provided. Please bring a Christmas tree to burn if you have one, a side dish or dessert, and folding chairs.